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Twenty years to wait for a sequel? I think that ties it with the Star wars prequels; really long time. But, the bit question… is it worth it? Is ID4-2 what we might have hoped for? Or will it just be like the newer Star Wars movie where someone decides that all they need is …
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Well, looks like X-Men is really on track now that Marvel is involved, and you can always tell when they are when Stan Lee makes his contracturally mandatory cameo in the flick. Apocalypse, as it turns out, is really good. As you remember, Days of Future past left off with Current Day all nice and …
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There are two ways of doing this review. The short way (“This movie was GREAT! the End.”) or the long way (insert three rambling pages here), but i’ll try to find a middle ground by just commenting on some highlights. Battle at the airport: The bits of it you’ve see in the trailers don’t even …
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By Miro in News
March 17, 2016
March 17, 2016
Well, I hope you guys took advantage of my special sale for Maldene Volumes 1 and 2, because it’s over with. However, you can still get them at the regular price of $8.95 for Volume One and $7.95 for Volume Two.
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By Miro in News
March 15, 2016
March 15, 2016
Hey gang, just a little article I thought you’d anjoy. It’s about reading, and you’re truly happens to be mentioned in it. Just hit it below. Kids Learn to read
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UPDATE: This offer has Expired Okay Fantasy Freaks, I got something REALLY big for you. For the next FIVE days the ebook versions of both Volumes One and Volume Two of the first book of my epic series, Maldene, will be on sale. How much on sale you ask? And how epic is it? Let …
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So I know a bit about mythology- big fan. And even know a bit about Egyptian Mythology, which is why I went to see Gods of Egypt. Now, I’ve see a rreview on another sight and the guy hated it, but I found htis thing rather enjoyable. Get past some of the spotty acting, but …
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That subject line will make perfect sense once you see this movie, and you will because we all like the occasional dose of good dark humor, and wise-cracking superheroes. Never seen the comics, but I’ve been told enough of them from some experts to realize that this Dead Pool is faithful to the comics in …
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Going into this I fully expected just a bunch of cheeseball zombie fun, but then a strange thing happened… This thing turned out to be a really serious movie. I mean, Oh My God, this is a really great movie; and I don’t just mean a great zombie movie either. Now, I’ve never read Pride …
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Okay, I don’t know if this review thing is going to be a regular spot here, maybe intermittent, but after last night’s DC’s Legends of Tomorrow I just HAD to say something. The team is stuck back in 1975, looking for a piece of future tech when someone realizes that hey, it radiates alpha particles, …
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