Category: News

General Maldene news

Cover for Second Flaatphut Story

UMI Corp

Okay Spidey Friends- Whoops, can’t use that. Okay then, hello all True Believers- No, that one’s taken as well. Well, the point is that, for a while now some opeople have been asking me when I’ll release the second Inspector Flaatphut story (there are 7 so far), and my answer has been, “When I can …

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The Sale is Over

Well, I hope you guys took advantage of my special sale for Maldene Volumes 1 and 2, because it’s over with. However, you can still get them at the regular price of $8.95 for Volume One and $7.95 for Volume Two.

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Reading, Kids, Cats, and Me

Hey gang, just a little article I thought you’d anjoy. It’s about reading, and you’re truly happens to be mentioned in it. Just hit it below. Kids Learn to read

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Maldene Volumes 1 AND 2 on sale… $1

UPDATE: This offer has Expired Okay Fantasy Freaks, I got something REALLY big for you. For the next FIVE days the ebook versions of both Volumes One and Volume Two of the first book of my epic series, Maldene, will be on sale. How much on sale you ask? And how epic is it? Let …

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New Flaatphut Story

Okay, this one is for those that actually know I have a short story out there called “Project Looking Glass”, the first in my Inspector Flaatphut series. Well, since I had some recent nudging, I have just finished editing the second story (“The U.M.I. Corp Connection”) in the series and formatting it prior to converting …

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Site Updates- Look Something New

Okay, so I changed the front page around just a little by recording a video intro to the site. Not the best prodcution quality, I’ll admit, but I think the heart is there. Come on over to and see.

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Maldene Volume II now available in ebook

Well, I may not have enough cash to print up any print editions yet, but the ebook version of Maldene Volume II is now up on Amazon. So, until I can get the print version going, you can slip right over and get a little sopmethign for your Kindle here. See how this first chapter …

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Another New Post At Story Reading Ape

Well, I made another new post about Maldene over at the Story Reading Ape.  Just go here for a good read.

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Another day, another guest post

Well, looks like another one of my articles is going to be featured on The Story Reading Ape on April 10. I’ll post the link when I get it.

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New Post Now LIVE!

Well, that article I’d memtioned I was doing for The Story Reading Ape?  It just went live, so now you can read it right HERE. Give it a read then check out the rest of their site.

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