Category: General

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The Life Of A Ghost Writer

Okay, so by now you’ve probably caught on that I ghostwrite in addition to my own works of literary art.  The reason for this is like for just about anyone else that does it: I’m broke and promoting my novels properly costs money.  Since this happens to be something I’m really good at, and I …

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The Writer’s Conundrum

This  was originally going to be a quick-one line post to Facebook, but then the more I thought about it the more I decided to try for a full-blown article.  Anyway, here goes. The frustrations of an Indie Writer are many, but chief amongst them is who to trust to help you promote your book.  …

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What If– Frodo On Maldene

Recently a blogger compared the first full Maldene novel as being Lord Of The Rings meets Homer’s Odyssey.  Nice and complimentary and thank-you for that, but after a bit of thinking I realized that I had a chance for a little bit of comical mayhem.  So with apologies to Tolkein, I now present my first …

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Announcing a new book bundle deal for Maldene!

As I’ve been posting, today is the day that “Maldene II: Mysteries of Olde” releases, and you can now get it at Amazon for the special release price of $5.50 before it goes up to its normal price. If that sounds like a lot, consider that this puppy is 375,000 words… that’s the same length …

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Interview From The Stars: Reba Haws Interviews Lorel

Much to the bewilderment of Miss Reba Haws, it turns out that her contract allows us to call her back for these interviews any darn time that we want.  THIS time, however, she wanted to get an advanced peek at just what she was about to get involved with, so we showed her a few …

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A Day in the Life of a Self-Made Novelist

Okay, so I suppose the first question would be, what do I mean by “self-made”. Well, technically I’m still in the process of “making”, but generally it refers to the fact that everything after High School English classes that I learned about writing and storytelling I taught myself from simply reading. And having an imagination …

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Review- Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Another of my very infrequent reviews here, inspired by the fact that Last Jedi is head over heels better than Force Awakens and obviously designed to make up for that piece of children’s vomit and straighten out a few details of Abrams that the new director (and half of fandom) apparently didn’t like too much. …

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Maldene Name Generator

There’s a lot of name generators out there. You know the kind: Pick from list ‘A’ for the first letter of your name then from list ‘B’ for the month you were born. That sort of thing. So, I thought I’d come up with my own Maldene name generator. Only it doesn’t involve lists. You …

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The Night Before Generic Holiday

I know I can’t be the only one tired of overlapping holidays produced by overactive marketing departments, so to interject a little humor into this madness, I’ve tweaked the popular old Night Before Christmas just a little bit.  So below I now present my effort at “the Night Before Generic Holiday”…   ‘Twas the night …

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Who Says What

Certain characters will speak in certain ways, say certain types of things; that’s universal for any good book. What I thought I’d do here is go a little bit through my thought processes of how I decide who says what types of lines. Does Eldar say it? Sabu? Mauklo? Consider this little flow chart that …

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