Interview Links
Hey, I’m actually being interviewed from time to time! As such, I decided I’d best start keeping track of them, so below you’ll find the links. First the links to blog interviews and such, for the text interviews, and then links to the audio files of the few actual LIVE interviews I’ve done. Links are in order of most recent.
Audio and Podcast Interviews
November 17, 2021: I’m on the Author Your Brand Show, being interviewed by Doug Crowe. We talk about my books, ghostwriting, and some other bits and pieces. Watch it here or go direct to the link.
October 2, 2021: I get interviewed on Behind The Pen. See it either on their site at or via YouTube at
May 24, 2020: Another blog interview, this time a video as well as a related blog article. I really gotta do something about my lighting, but the rest looks good. Naomi Roberson interviewed me for The Word Count. Give it a good look, then read the related article at
Hit up the video here:
March 20, 2020: Another interview just dropped, but this one was pretty big. First it was 2 hours and second it was LIVE, with live questions by phone and message. Even better, it was going so well that Lady V said heck with the commercial break and let it run 13 minutes overtime!. So give a listen to it at
August 7, 2019: Speaking With Influence on Blog Talk Radio had me talking about ghostwriting as well as my own novels, and why some people need a ghostwriter. Me? On a show about professional speakers? Well, they seemed to love me anyway. Debra Simpson interviews me. You can catch the mpeg here, or “hit the button, Max:”
December 7, 2018: I was interviewed by Paul Brodie on the Get Published Podcast. Just hit the Link.
On September 27, 2018, I was interviewed by Ric Bratton on his show “This Week In America”. You can hear, and even see, it at the links below:
You Tube (video)
Blue Funk Broadcasting (audio only)
iTunes (audio only)
Podomatic (audio only)
September 2, 2018. Faisal Imami of the One Word One Hour podcast gave me some air time out of my own living room. You can give it a listen at one of several links:
One Word One Hour website
On iTunes
iHeart Radio
August 23,2018. Earth Station One gave me a short spot on their show today where I got to talk about Maldene, writing, and sat for a bit in their Geek Seat. Give it a listen right here: Earth Station One
August 10, 2018. Jessie’s Coffee Shop is a very professionally done and fun podcast all about books, and this time Jessie talked to me. What about? I think you can guess. At any rate, here’s where you go to give it a listen: Jessie’s Coffee Shop
People Of Distinction is a radio show hosted by Al Cole; recently I had a chance to be interviewed by him, mostly about my ghostwriting career but also some mention of Maldene. It’s a live stream, and this is the only link I could find for it (no archives that I could find), so it could change with his next interview, so for while it’s up, here it is: People Of Distinction
On May 22, 2018 I was podcasted on Seeing Beneath The Surface with Toni Quest and Peter Elvidge. Audio and available on several platforms but here’s their Youtube link: Enjoy, as always.
This interview with The Bookcast went up on Feb 1, 2013. Audio mainly, with some text and a video link. I had fun doing it and I think you’ll have fun listening to it. Enjoy!.
Hey, on Monday, Dec 17 2012 I got to be a call-in guest on for the show Sam In the Morning. Even better, the co-host Bridgetta is a dyed-in-the-wool fantasy and SF fan (not too common for models). I had a blast and now you can hear the entire show right Here. I come in about 9 minutes in and stay for 15 minutes. Enjoy!
On Feb 7, 2012, I was a call-in guest for a radio show out of Las Vegas New Mexico called Writer’s Block. Now you can listen to the audio of this show Here. I come in about 30 minutes into the show. This audio is from Writers’ Block hosted by Sharon Vander Meer, airing Tuesdays at 8:45 a.m. MST on KFUN, Las Vegas, NM, streaming live online at You can also catch her at
Sharyn Abbot of Creative Impressions interviewed me near the end of Jan 2012. You can listen to the audio file of my first verbal interview (I hope my nervousness doesn’t show overly much) Here.
Text And Print Interviews
Feb 23, 2025. This one’s at World of Writing:
Dec 30, 2019. Another text interview, this one on the web site of author Francis Powell. Read it here:
Jan 6, 2019. A quick Author-Spotlight interview over at
Oct 11, 2018. Just a little text interview for Linda’s Book Bag. Give it a read at
August 12, 2018. Just a little text interview over at My Book Place.
Nov 1, 2013. Jill Mettendorf interviews me Here at Real Answers Real Authors.
Oct 6, 2012. The Rhythmic Lounge. This one is a magazine, online and print with worldwide distribution. For this I not only got an article done about me and my book, but I made the cover. In fact, for the cover to their Fall 2012 issue they used the new cover for Maldene Volume I. You’ll find the link Here.
June 25, 2012, Jessica Knauss,
Famous Writer, I was interviewed for her blog at
March 13, 2012, The Novel Project:
November 14, 2011, a Blog in Africa this time:
June 24, 2011, my third one now up at at
Interview this wednesday, June 15 2011, at Should be a good read.
Read my first author interview (that is, I’m the one getting interviewed) HERE!
Video Interviews
Oct 16, 2013. I recently shot an update on that interview I did for the Bobby Buck Show. A lot better, though with a bit of a wind problem, but no biggy. Give it a look below.
July 19, 2013. Yes, I finally got an interview on tape, my smiling face and all. Bobby Buck interviewed me for “My People’s Entertainment” and shot it straight up to YouTube. You’ll find it both there and imbeded below. It’s 15 minutes, so sit back and watch.