Check out the new book trailer for “Cyberdawn: Beginnings”…
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New Interview: I talk with ‘Behind The Pen’
Well, been a while but I got a fresh new interview, this time with Karina Kantas of Behind The Pen. You can either view it directly at her site at or on her YouTube channel at See what you think. There’s also an audio-only link:—Mark-Anthony-Tierno—Author-e19qcnj
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You Have Two Cows… Maldene Style
I just saw a Discworld version of the old “You have two cows” comparison thing, so I thought, “Why not do a Maldene version?” So, here goes, using characters from the first book of Maldene. You have two cows… Sabu: Only two? I can cast a spell to fix that. How many do you want? …
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Another Cyberdawn Review
I just got another review for Cyberdawn: Beginnings, this one by Melanie Adkins of “Have you heard my Book Review” ( You can hit the link or read the clipping below: The world has changed. Or has it? Many unusual events are happening. No one has any idea why. Black Jack Hannigan has seen things …
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Interviews From The Stars: Reba Haws Interviews Black Jack Hannigan
Well, it looks like our intrepid interviewer has come out of retirement. After spinning around the world with Inspector Flaatphut and Tiffany Grace Lewurt, our Miss Reba Haws is back, this time setting up her own station with the help of some unnamed investors. She assures us that her previous experiences, not to mention her …
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Maldene II: Mysteries Of Olde… now in PAPERBACK!
Yes, Maldene II: Mysteries Of Olde is in paperback at last! And, as you may have noticed, with a great new cover that I’m using for the ebook edition as well. So if you can’t wait to hold this bad boy in your hot little hands, then hit the link below or picture above to …
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Ghostwriting Tips
This writing tips article is for the ghostwriters out there; those who slave away for someone else’s dream while by necessity putting their own on hold for a bit. Just a few tidbits I’ve encountered over the years… 1) There is no such thing as a “simple editing” job. If it was, then the client …
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Interview with OTune Radio
Gots me another interview, this time with the people at OTune Radio up in Canada. I talk about my book, of course, and also a little something coming up real soon concerning me and OTune. So follow the bouncing link… PS: I’ve just got to sit up straighter, stop squinting (should probably wear my …
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Slight Change in Maldene
The more astute of you guys may have noticed some slight changes on the Ordering page; namely, that “Maldene: Volumes One And Two” is now simply “Maldene”, and to go along with this there is a new Paperback edition that I am producing myself directly through Amazon to replace the one currently printed by the …
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