CHAPTER ONE: Miss Brookstone The sound thundered down the hallway, reverberating concussion to test a man’s patience and to which children delight. The man in this case happened to be a short, skinny, bent old caricature in a grey suit already two generations out of style and well into its third. An angry look …
Tag: book
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Land Of The Hive– A Very Unique Little Tale
Herein read of a story about a story, a passion project for one T.J. Sally that I took to my own heart. Oh, it is not yet published (hence this page), but I think we’re overdue to roll back the curtain a bit and pray the right people see it. This is an epic little …
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A Couple of Characters out of Cyberdawn: Beginnings
Okay, so now for a bit more about some of the characters of “Cyberdawn: Beginnings”. First off, know that this novel is definitelty cross-genre, which I love doing. You will see elements of fantasy and magic, supernatural creatures that are the reason why the world needs to develop the first generation of cyber-weaponry; for without …
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Ghostwriting Services
Welcome to my ghostwriting page! I am a seasoned storyteller, and though I have ghostwritten quite a wide range of nonfiction works (including books for professionals, businesses, relationship specialists, leadership books, and so forth), my particular specialties concern Fantasy, Science-Fiction, and real-world biographies or personal stories. I put emotions on the page and …
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Don’t Be Afraid To Go Big; Just Be Careful How You Do It
There are a lot of Grand Epics in books, movies, and comics, the trick is to design them in such a way as to make them real to the reader. Believable enough within its own context to get the reader or viewer emotionally involved. Comic books have plenty of epic spectacle, but some of their …
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New Book Trailer for Cyberdawn!
Check out the new book trailer for “Cyberdawn: Beginnings”…
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Interviews From The Stars: Reba Haws Interviews Black Jack Hannigan
Well, it looks like our intrepid interviewer has come out of retirement. After spinning around the world with Inspector Flaatphut and Tiffany Grace Lewurt, our Miss Reba Haws is back, this time setting up her own station with the help of some unnamed investors. She assures us that her previous experiences, not to mention her …
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From the Author of Maldene, another new series…
“What if every conspiracy you’d ever heard of was true… and it still wasn’t enough?” I’ve been dropping bits and pieces of this every now and then, but many a rel ago after I’d completed writing Maldene, I ventured into another new world, this time to result in a 5-book series. Not as long as …
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Blue Ink reviews Maldene II: Mysteries Of Olde
About a month ago I sent Maldene II over to Blue Ink Reviews for a look-see. Well folks, it finally came in. This is so fresh off the press that theres’ not even an active link for it yet; when it’s put up then I’ll post it, but until now here’s a copy of what …
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