Tag: Character Interviews

Interviews From Across The Stars: Reba Interviews Lydia and Kitty

Announcer:  Well, after Miss Haws chased off the nightmares that had been coming after Black Jack Hannigan at the end of the last interview, and after she and Mr. Hannigan exchanged tips on how to recover one’s sanity after having lost it on multiple occasions (Reba is apparently by far the most experienced in this …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/character-interviews/5669

Interview From The Stars: Reba Haws Interviews Inspector Flaatphut

After a much needed vacation in Tahiti (It’s a magical place… more literally since her visit), and getting de-nymphed once we could hold her down long enough for The Author to undo what he did (actually, Reba did most of the holding down, but… moving on), Reba is back in the interview chair with a …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/character-interviews/3311

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