Maldene is a fantastic world of magic, mystery, and strange science, but can perhaps be a little dangerous for the uninitiated tourist. Consider this, then, your tourist’s guide to some of the highlights of the world of Maldene. Remember, you have now been warned. Tedelnosho: The first thing you’ll see as you come down …
Tag: fantasy
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Don’t Be Afraid To Go Big; Just Be Careful How You Do It
There are a lot of Grand Epics in books, movies, and comics, the trick is to design them in such a way as to make them real to the reader. Believable enough within its own context to get the reader or viewer emotionally involved. Comic books have plenty of epic spectacle, but some of their …
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Behold the Maldene Globe!
I decided to do some geeky tinkering lately and wondered if there was a way to turn my flat 2D Maldene map into a globe. Turns out there is, and animate it as well. My first draft I found a couple of flaws on my map (that date back to just after I fiddled with …
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Cyberdawn Reviews on Goodreads!
Some 5-star reviews coming in on Goodreads for Cyberdawn: -“This book was insane. I read this all in the same day – couldn’t put it down. Each and every chapter kept me so interested, wanting more and needing to find out the rest. The ending shocked me. It was one of those books that sent …
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Interviews From Across The Stars: Reba Interviews Lydia and Kitty
Announcer: Well, after Miss Haws chased off the nightmares that had been coming after Black Jack Hannigan at the end of the last interview, and after she and Mr. Hannigan exchanged tips on how to recover one’s sanity after having lost it on multiple occasions (Reba is apparently by far the most experienced in this …
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New Interview: I talk with ‘Behind The Pen’
Well, been a while but I got a fresh new interview, this time with Karina Kantas of Behind The Pen. You can either view it directly at her site at or on her YouTube channel at See what you think. There’s also an audio-only link:—Mark-Anthony-Tierno—Author-e19qcnj
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You Have Two Cows… Maldene Style
I just saw a Discworld version of the old “You have two cows” comparison thing, so I thought, “Why not do a Maldene version?” So, here goes, using characters from the first book of Maldene. You have two cows… Sabu: Only two? I can cast a spell to fix that. How many do you want? …
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Interviews From The Stars: Reba Haws Interviews Black Jack Hannigan
Well, it looks like our intrepid interviewer has come out of retirement. After spinning around the world with Inspector Flaatphut and Tiffany Grace Lewurt, our Miss Reba Haws is back, this time setting up her own station with the help of some unnamed investors. She assures us that her previous experiences, not to mention her …
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