Well, I may not have enough cash to print up any print editions yet, but the ebook version of Maldene Volume II is now up on Amazon. So, until I can get the print version going, you can slip right over and get a little sopmethign for your Kindle here. See how this first chapter …
Tag: novel
Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/2092
Interview From The Stars: Sindar
Interview From The Stars Reba Haws Interviews SindarWell, after a leave of absence to recover from her interview with Po-Adar, Reba Haws has returned for another episode of Interview With The Stars (she thanks everyone for the flowers). This time she is speaking to the psychic of the group, Sindar. So join us and see …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/character-interviews/2032
It’s Coming… Volume 2
So, if you’ve been keeping track then you know I had a great new cover for Maldene Volume II commissioned, the second half of the first novel. Well, I’ve also been working on getting a proper conversion to ebook as well, the problem being one of the appendices. For you see, the end of this …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/1989
Interview From The Stars- Shong
Interview From The Stars Reba Haws interviews ShongToday Maldene.com has as its guest that highly skilled swordsman, Shong. As able with the blade as any, able to face up against dragon and all manner of terrible beasts. All save, perhaps, but one… Reba Haws (RH): Welcome to our show, Mister Shong. I hear that you …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/character-interviews/1966
Interview From The Stars: Mauklo
Interview From The Stars Reba Haws interviews Mauklo Today Maldene.com has as its guest another one of Sabu and Eldar’s associates from Maldene, Mauklo. So join with us on this print edition of Interview From The Stars as Reba Haws tries to get to the bottom of his motives. Reba Haws (RH): Welcome …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/character-interviews/1963
Interview From The Stars- Sabu
Interview From The Stars Reba Haws interviews SabuToday Maldene.com is very lucky to have with us Sabu, direct from Maldene via a fortuitous dimensional portal. So join with us on this print edition of Interview From The Stars as Reba Haws gets a few words out of Eldar’s brainy buddy, Sabu. Reba Haws (RH): Welcome …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/character-interviews/1960
My Time On Skid Row Radio
Well, I had my appearance on an internet radio station called Skid Row Studios this last Monday, and now it’s up on You Tube. Now, I knew there were a few people clicking pictures but they never said that they’d be moving ones. Which, I suppose, is for the best. In fact, I actually got …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/1944
Update For New Volume 2 Cover
Well, Sasha and Diego have been busy on a few projects for me, one of which is the new cover for Volume 2. Volume two continues the story of the first half of the book, where the characters seek out the ruins of the last of the Great Human Kingdoms. The cover depicts those ruins, …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/1928
Writing Tips: The Four Elements
Sometimes writing a good story can be a little bit like alchemy. You need the right mix of things to churn out a truly great story. But what are those basic ingredients? Well, like for the alchemists of old there are four basic elements that every story needs. Descriptive Prose. Dialogue. Character Development. Plot. Descriptive …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/writing-tips/1926
Welcome To Maldene All Travelers
Well, seeing as how I’ve been getting a few more user registrations of late, I thought it a good idea to give a little welcome message. So… Hi there! I’m the author of quite the epic little story. Okay, enough of that. Now’s the part where I encourage you to start interacting with the site. …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/uncategorized/1920