Tag: SF

New Blog Interview– World of Writing

Just had a new text interview about me and my books at World of Writing.  Catch it here.  

Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/8304

Don’t Be Afraid To Go Big; Just Be Careful How You Do It

There are a lot of Grand Epics in books, movies, and comics, the trick is to design them in such a way as to make them real to the reader.  Believable enough within its own context to get the reader or viewer emotionally involved.  Comic books have plenty of epic spectacle, but some of their …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/uncategorized/5894

Maldene II: Myteries Of Olde gets its First review!

Finally went about seeking reviews for the second book, and sent off a copy once again to the Red Headed Book Lover.  She loved the first novel, and well this time it looks like I really wowed her.  Check out her review here. Here’s a little snippet from her review, but please go read the rest… …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/maldene-reviews/5047

Snippets From Maldene: Ogres Can’t Sing

The ogre Blag-ak always means well, but having the IQ of a cucumber this doesn’t always play out well… especially if his little buddy Quickfoot isn’t around to act as social interpreter.  Such as in this scene… “So-rry,” Blag-ak rumbled. He was outside of the large building, on an open tree-lined avenue. The human lady …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/snippets/4938

Maldene on AICN

Okay gang, it finally happened.  Ain’t It Cool News, the uber-fan site for the past 25 years, has done a review of my book, Maldene.  Pretty favorable too.  So if you want to see what they think, just head for this link.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/4897

Maldene Book Prices- Including Paperback and Hardback

I mentioned before about some coming changes to affect the ebook prices.  Well it’s here, the “Big Release” (echo, echo, echo…).  Maldene is back in print, both paperback AND hardback, but this time it’s all in one single set of covers, just the way I’d intended.  So, I’ve cobbled together a full summary to include these …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/4421

The Hardback Is in!

Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/4410

Official Paperback Announcement!

Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/4340

Maldene II: An Inside Look

The date is nearing, and I’ve already posted a little excerpt, but what more does this second full Maldene novel offer? Well, first let’s recap the events of the first 2-volume novel. Sabu, Eldar, Sindar, and their friends found themselves on a little quest that led them to a far bigger quest: find out some …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/3269

A Little Maldene Xmas Story

Ever wonder if Santa was an alien from another planet? I did a number of years ago, and so wrote up my own little 4-page short story on the matter back in 1988. This, then, is the video of me reciting that story… Happy Holidays!

Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/3183

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