Tag: SF

Interview From The Stars: Po-Adar

Interview From The Stars Reba Haws Interviews Po-Adar   Today Reba Haws interviews that wizard of questionable sanity, Po-Adar. The one of whom Lord Chaos has said, “That guy’s nuts!”, his role in the unfolding events of Maldene seems a bit murky at best.  So join us as Reba tries to get to the bottom …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/character-interviews/1969

Interview From The Stars- Shong

Interview From The Stars Reba Haws interviews ShongToday Maldene.com has as its guest that highly skilled swordsman, Shong. As able with the blade as any, able to face up against dragon and all manner of terrible beasts. All save, perhaps, but one… Reba Haws (RH): Welcome to our show, Mister Shong. I hear that you …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/character-interviews/1966

Interview From The Stars: Mauklo

Interview From The Stars Reba Haws interviews Mauklo   Today Maldene.com has as its guest another one of Sabu and Eldar’s associates from Maldene, Mauklo.  So join with us on this print edition of Interview From The Stars as Reba Haws tries to get to the bottom of his motives.   Reba Haws (RH):  Welcome …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/character-interviews/1963

Writing Tips: Emotion In Your Writing

Ever read a book that just got to you so much you found yourself crying or laughing, or cheering? Of course. Now, as a writer have you ever felt an emotion as you were typing up the scene? What did you do, use it or waste it? A lot of writers might decide to take …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/writing-tips/1949

My Time On Skid Row Radio

Well, I had my appearance on an internet radio station called Skid Row Studios this last Monday, and now it’s up on You Tube. Now, I knew there were a few people clicking pictures but they never said that they’d be moving ones. Which, I suppose, is for the best. In fact, I actually got …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/1944

I’ve Been Skyped

Well, just yesterday I was invited to speak to a classroom full of creative writing students in Panama via Skype. The video didn’t work (could have been either my older version of Skype or the fact that it was Panama) but the audio was good, and language wasn’t a problem. Anyway, it was the first …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/uncategorized/1940

Maldene Mini-Review: Starcrossed TV series

Just a word about that new TV series, Starcrossed, which is basically Alien Nation with Teen angst. Of course, the problem is that none of these teens are being played by anyone even close to being a teen. When the one college-age-looking girl said, “High School, we’re finally here”, I looked her up on IMDB. …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/uncategorized/1938

What Makes a Good Writer

A question that has been asked since about the time people first began to write. What is it that makes a good writer? A good author? What is that magic formula that sets great authors apart from everybody else. It may not be as complicated an equation as you think. There are three basic elements …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/writing-tips/1917

Places Of Maldene: Thïr Glomdäitaÿor

Okay, so first you ask what’s with the funky name. The funky name in question is the city-castle of the King. Not just any king, but thee King (notice I spelled it with a Capital “K”), the one guy trying to engineer his own counter-plot to that of Miro by recruiting few heros. Needless to …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/plot-talk/1910

Update December 2013

Just thought I’d update any followers out there about what’s going on in the world of Maldene First off my artists- Sasha and Diego- are hard at work on the new Volume 2 cover. Being as Volume 2 is the second half of the first novel, the cover will have some major similarities with the …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/1908

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