Tag: Tierno

I’ve been blogged… by Jessica Knauss

I was just interviewed for the blog site “Jessica Knauss, Famous Writer”. You can read Jessica’s interview of me over at http://jessicaknauss.blogspot.com/2012/06/interview-with-mark-tierno-author-of.html. You might just find it a little bit of fun.

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My Guest Post for Mysti Parker’s Blog

I was just allowed the priviledge to guest post at the blog of one author Mysti Parker. Follow the link to read my post then continue on to take a look around at her blog. http://mystiparker.blogspot.com/2012/03/march-author-series-7-by-mark-tierno.html?spref=fb

Permanent link to this article: http://www.maldene.com/news/538


Interview Links Hey, I’m actually being interviewed from time to time! As such, I decided I’d best start keeping track of them, so below you’ll find the links. First the links to blog interviews and such, for the text interviews, and then links to the audio files of the few actual LIVE interviews I’ve done. …

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Mark (that’s me) lives in his home town of Monrovia California, the recipient of a Masters in Physics and a second degree in Math. A lifelong reader of fantasy and SciFi, he finally set his own imagination to paper with the help of his trusty old Amiga computer. His passions include yoga, theorizing about the …

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  Available in ebook and paperback! “Maldene II: Mysteries Of Olde… the author includes plenty of gripping action and multifaceted characters that hum with life.  In fact, Tierno’s investment in his world can be infectious.” -Blue Ink Review “…a carefully described and painstakingly detailed adventure tale that will leave even fans of Tolkien impressed.” -Blue …

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