Someone recently asked how he could write like me; not the first time that question has come up. I soon realized that the response I gave might make for a good article, so here we are and away we go. I leaned to write by learning how to read and letting all my years …
Tag: writing
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A Brief Tour of Maldene
Welcome to Maldene, that world situated “in the center of Space, at the Doorway to Time, on the precipice of Fate.” You’re here for the tour; we’ll just be covering the highlights today, but as a precaution keep all limbs inside the transit bubble. First we have Tedelnosho, aka The Great Whirlpool, or if you …
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Writing Characters Of Faith In A Story
Nowadays if you have a character in a story that’s supposed to be a person of faith, even a priest– especially a priest– it seems as if the result is always some guy constantly quoting scripture as if he swallowed a Bible. This has the character falling into a couple of standardized pigeonholes. The first …
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My Influences As An Author
Many an author is asked who their influences are, which other writers of old made their marks upon their souls, and if they’re like me that is not a simple question to answer. In my case I was quite the avid reader as a kid, and much of what I read stewed around in my …
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You know you’re a writer when…
Hello gang, author of the biggest Fantasy/SF epic here. 🙂 This time it’s a quick little article based a round that subject line above. “You know you’re a writer when…” Both humorous and true, I think you might enjoy this one. You know you’re a writer when… You’re reading a printed out page (as …
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What Does It Feel Like To Write A Book
Some of you may have wondered, just what it might feel like to write your own novel. To create something that never before existed and instill it with vibrant literary life; to put words into characters’ mouths that are completely different from anything you would say yourself, or even believe in, in real life. To …
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The Life Of A Ghost Writer
Okay, so by now you’ve probably caught on that I ghostwrite in addition to my own works of literary art. The reason for this is like for just about anyone else that does it: I’m broke and promoting my novels properly costs money. Since this happens to be something I’m really good at, and I …
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A Day in the Life of a Self-Made Novelist
Okay, so I suppose the first question would be, what do I mean by “self-made”. Well, technically I’m still in the process of “making”, but generally it refers to the fact that everything after High School English classes that I learned about writing and storytelling I taught myself from simply reading. And having an imagination …
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New Video Blog- What It Takes To Write An Epic Story
Hey there, trying to get more into making some blogs, so here for your sacrificial dead-bird day, is one on what it takes to craft one of those multi-book epic stories. You know, like Maldene… or some others of mine you’ve all yet to see. Okay, enough; I’ll let the guy in the tee-shirt do …
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What Makes Maldene Different
This is a question I have been asked on occasion, and certainly one you want an answer for if you’re to market a novel, but it is to me the single hardest question to answer. Why, you ask? Because there is no single thing that makes Maldene different. It is a revolution in fantasy, a …
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