Some Preliminary Sketches

Well, as I may have earlier announced, the cover for Maldene Volume II is under way, but more than that, is my favorite artists are tossing in a few other things. I’d recently created a more detailed and colorized map of the world of Maldene then showed it around to a couple of friends, including Sasha and Diego. Their reaction was along the lines of “Looks great, but would you like it to look more ancient-map like?” So, they’re going to spruce it up a bit before I release it via some promotion or another. Then there is the possibility of a sketch of one of the characters of Maldene, the result of which I will post straight to this web site.

lastly, there is the matter of one certain scene in the first volume of the first Maldene novel. The scene involves a dance scene at a bar, where the dancer is an exotic race called a Lamia. This is a creature that is lady from the waist on up and snake from the waist on down. Look up one of the old Sinbad movies and you’ll easily spot one. Well, after reading it some people jumped on my back with, “Oh Mark, you have GOT to get a picture of this Lamia done!” So, guess what?

Well, below you will see first the very much preliminary sketch of an elven female character from Maldene, followed by an equally preliminary sketch of that dancing Lamia. So drool on and try to imagine what the final result will be like. These are a couple of great artists.




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