You know you’re a writer when…

Hello gang, author of the biggest Fantasy/SF epic here.  🙂

This time it’s a quick little article based a round that subject line above.  “You know you’re a writer when…”  Both humorous and true, I think you might enjoy this one.


  • You know you’re a writer when…  You’re reading a printed out page (as in, actual printed out piece of physical paper), see a misspelling, and wonder why the autocorrect hasn’t underlined the word in red…  and then try hitting the page with your finger to get it fixed.
  • You know you’re a writer when…  It’s Sunday evening and you’re actually looking forward to Monday because that means another new chapter in your book.
  • You know you’re a writer when…  You can’t watch a movie without seeing all the plot holes, or see the “twist” coming a mile away, know you could have done better, and proceed to do so once you get home.
  • You know you’re a writer when…  Your idea of relaxing is walking around the park thinking of some aspect of the current chapter (sort of like Scotty and his technical manuals).
  • You know you’re a writer when…  Something happens in real life and you wonder who wrote that lousey scene in (“Oh come on, who’s ever going to buy THIS one!”)
  • You know you’re a writer when…  Anything your friends say runs the risk of ending up in your next book.
  • You know you’re a writer when…  You want to backspace and edit what you just said (As in, spoke out loud).
  • You know you’re a writer when…  You want to backspace and edit what one of your FRIENDS just said so it flows better.
  • You know you’re a writer when…  You can never answer ANYTHING with a simple Yes or No answer; you have to always describe everything in glorious detail (also works for “You know you’re a Scientist when…”).
  • You know you’re a writer when…  “How was your day?” is never a question a friend should ask you lest they be treated to an exciting 1-hour discourse on the details of your latest 8-hour bout of writing.
  • You know you’re a writer when…    You put in a 40-hour work-week in just 4 days from your writing project.
  • You know you’re a writer when…  You go through withdrawal symptoms if you’re away from your latest novel for too long (or  worse, from being able to do any writing at all.  Horrors!).
  • You know you’re a writer when…  You’ve unfriended people for saying that you do nothing but “play around on the computer all day” instead of doing any “real” work.
  • You know you’re a writer when…  You’re in the middle of a great scene and then the phone rings (land line, loud ringer); you answer only to shut it up, then see it’s one of your friends who should know better and so you scream in his ear “WHAT?  I’m WORKING!”  If he replies with “Oh, then you have time to talk” then refer to the above “unfriending” entry.
  • You know you’re a writer when…  “I don’t need no stinking grammar checker.  People don’t talk like that!”
  • You know you’re a writer when…  Answering the question “What do you do for a living?” get’s… complicated.


Well, that’s what I got for now.  Have a few of your own?  Then enter them into the comments below and share the fun.


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