Behold the Maldene Globe!

I decided to do some geeky tinkering lately and wondered if there was a way to turn my flat 2D Maldene map into a globe.  Turns out there is, and animate it as well.  My first draft I found a couple of flaws on my map (that date back to just after I fiddled with the first scans of my original hand-drawn map), fixed those (and updated the color downloadable map as well), tried again, and– well, it looks pretty spiffy.  So here’s my little animated maldene globe.

Then for a bonus, I decided to do a visual comparison.  Maldene is a rather big world, for a rather big tale, so this is a size comparison (roughly to scale) of Maldene vs Earth.  I should note that Earth is about ther size of Maldene’s largest moon.

Feel free to grab either image for your viewing enjoyment, then feel even freer to buy the books.  Kala’!

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