Category: General

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Maldene On The Market

Well, so I’m going to be taking a crack at this Marketing thing. Of course, that’s bit like asking a monk advice for picking up girls; he might know in theory but his application is going to really bite wind. I mean, I’m the guy that in job interviews of many years past actually volunteered …

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Looks Like I Need a Book Trailer

Lately I’ve been trying to get more organized in coming up with a gameplan for more properly marketing Maldene, and I’ve naturally concluded that it comes down to the first step being a good book trailer. Well, as you might guess, I’m pretty good with writing the words and imagining what imagery would be required, …

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What Makes Maldene Different

This is a question I have been asked on occasion, and certainly one you want an answer for if you’re to market a novel, but it is to me the single hardest question to answer. Why, you ask? Because there is no single thing that makes Maldene different. It is a revolution in fantasy, a …

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You may notice some ads appearing on my site.  that’s just me, the poor starving author, trying to kick up some extra cash.  Still experimenting with Adsense, so please let me know (in polite terms, please), what works, what doesn’t, and what might be too intrusive. Of course, once my books start taking off and …

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Maldene Teaser On You-Tube

Well, I’m finally catching up with the times.  I’ve turned my little audio narrative of Chapter One of Maldene into a You-Tube video for viewing by the entire Tube-verse.  So, here goes the embed…

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Maldene Volumes 1 AND 2 on sale… $1

UPDATE: This offer has Expired Okay Fantasy Freaks, I got something REALLY big for you. For the next FIVE days the ebook versions of both Volumes One and Volume Two of the first book of my epic series, Maldene, will be on sale. How much on sale you ask? And how epic is it? Let …

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I’ve Been Skyped

Well, just yesterday I was invited to speak to a classroom full of creative writing students in Panama via Skype. The video didn’t work (could have been either my older version of Skype or the fact that it was Panama) but the audio was good, and language wasn’t a problem. Anyway, it was the first …

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Maldene Mini-Review: Starcrossed TV series

Just a word about that new TV series, Starcrossed, which is basically Alien Nation with Teen angst. Of course, the problem is that none of these teens are being played by anyone even close to being a teen. When the one college-age-looking girl said, “High School, we’re finally here”, I looked her up on IMDB. …

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Maldene Mini Movie Review: The new Robocop

Okay, so this isn’t Maldene related but I just saw the new Robocop and couldn’t let this go unsaid. So here is my one line mini movie review of Robocop 2014: If you remove about an hour and 20 minutes from the beginning, really amp up what’s left, add in some REAL (or any) music, …

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Welcome To Maldene All Travelers

Well, seeing as how I’ve been getting a few more user registrations of late, I thought it a good idea to give a little welcome message. So… Hi there! I’m the author of quite the epic little story. Okay, enough of that. Now’s the part where I encourage you to start interacting with the site. …

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