Ghostwriting Services



Welcome to my ghostwriting page!

I am a seasoned storyteller, and though I have ghostwritten quite a wide range of nonfiction works (including books for professionals, businesses, relationship specialists, leadership books, and so forth), my particular specialties concern Fantasy, Science-Fiction, and real-world biographies or personal stories. I put emotions on the page and make it come to life. That MS in Physics of mine also certainly helps with the grittier details from time to time.

I’ve been writing for closing in on 30 years now, with well over 30 books to my own credit (totaling over 10 million words with well over 500 characters) and dozens more for my clients. The obvious legalities prevent me from listing specifics, but the types of stories that I have crafted for clients include:

-A novel about an ancient civilization on Mars and the cause of its destruction.

-Another Mars-based story (different client), where the artificial intelligence of an ancient alien base seeks to prepare some people from Earth to fend off an invasion.

-An Earth wherein supernatural creatures exist beneath general notice, a world where the game is set by Death itself and a lowly human must play detective to find a killer while staying away from Death and various supernatural denizens.

-A series of several books that provides a unique angle to the entire Santa Claus mythology and the dreaded Krampus.

-A three-book series about a government agency with a time travel machine and the team they send to explore the past and future while trying to maintain the integrity of their own time-line.  The last I heard from this client he was trying to get it picked up as a TV series.

-A Sci-Fi story about AI and androids in the future and their possible threats to humanity.

-The real-life story of an old man simply wanting to retire to his new ranch only to discover corruption running rampant in the Sheriff’s office, and the physical threats that the author had to endure even before bringing his case to court.

-A real-life story told by a man while in jail. His confession as to what bad decisions landed him there and how events got out of his control. His case actually appeared on the national news.

-Another one told while the client was dealing with jail time for her legal troubles with small-minded people that had it out for her and her quite-legal brothel.

Storytelling is my heart and soul; be it fictional or your own personal tale, it still involves a story, emotions, and a plot. The secret to a great story is getting the reader to feel, to shedding tears of joy or grief, and jumping up for joy at all the right moments. That is part of what I do.

I have a MS in Physics, which has proven helpful in all the little scientific and theoretical details, and has trained me to always keep things consistent and aware of the littlest details; to always have a logic behind even the most fantastic tale, even if it involves a world of magic. It means that I can see the questions that need to be asked of a client’s real-life story, details that might be obvious only to himself.

You can view my LinkedIn Profile here:

You can also see my resume and writing accomplishments here:

If you need a good Ghost, then let’s talk.

FREE 30-minute consultation for your book project. No commitments, I’ll simply explain what I can do for you and provide a quote for my services.



Need to see some samples?  Well, being as this is also the site for my own fictional pursuits, you can find a few posted samples if you just back up to  They’re taken from my first Maldene and Cyberdawn novels.  Here’s the direct links to what’s currently posted:

excerpt from Maldene

excerpt from Maldene II: Mysteries of Olde

excerpt from Cyberdawn Beginnings

excerpt from Land of the Hive: Journey of the Queen

More samples are available upon request from these and others of my novels.  You can also go to my Amazon Author’s Page  to see all of my current releases.  I do have some samples from past clients, both fiction and nonfiction, but cannot post them here due to NDAs; however, I have some limited selections available that I can send you direct via email to check out.



My Rates

First off, when I mention ‘Page’ here, this assumes the standard 250 words per page. Page count is a rough estimate by client and confirmed by myself based on our initial conversation together.

That said, here are the general categories that I use.  Which one a given client’s project falls into is an assessment arrived at after an initial conversation with the client on what he wants, what he already has done, and basically how much work it sounds like I’m in for.  My goal is come to a price that is fair to the both of us, and once a deal is arrived it, it does not change; the book may end up running longer or shorter than normal but the agreed-upon price remains the same (more insentive on my part to get jan accurate assessment).

  • Level 1:  Heavy editing and reworking

First draft of manuscript is already supplied by client, but it needs major reworking, developmental editing, and rewriting.

Price: $75/page


  • Level 2:  Full Write

Outline and notes supplied by client but no draft of the manuscript, will need to interview client on details of book, development work before writing, and actual writing of book.

Price: $100/page


  • Level 3:  Full Package

No outline supplied by client but he does have a few notes and general idea of what he wants.  I must outline and prep the book, characters, all development work, interview/talk with client on details, and write the book.

Price: $120/page


*For books to be longer than an estimated 600 pages (150,000 words), price must be individually negotiated.

*For projects with a notable time limit (i.e.: rush job), add 20% to all prices.

In all cases, I will supply weekly in-progress updates of current drafts to the client so as to get his feedback, then at end of the first fully completed draft client gets two last edits of the full draft based on his feedback.

An NDA is part of the final contract, but even before that I assume that one is in force during negotiations.

So if you need a book written, you know where to go.



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