Major Price Reduction For Fantasy Epic, Maldene!


Description: Southern California native Mark Anthony Tierno has crafted a truly epic fantasy novel that will take you to the ends of a world of magic, alien vistas, and ultimate evil. Now the price of both volumes of this first novel in the series have been signficantly reduced.

Monrovia, CA, [Sept 8, 2016] –  Maldene is a mysterious world of magic and ancient secrets, the story spanning several continents, cultures, worlds, and thousands of years of alien history- all revolving around the fight against a villain of unprecedented evil whose goals are as big as all space.

Now an already great story has been made even greater with a new price structure. The first book of Maldene, released as a two-volume set, is now available for a significantly reduced price (ebook only). Each ebook of Maldene has been reduced by two dollars, with a corresponding decrease in the price of the bundle.

Maldene Volume One: $6.95

Maldene Volume Two: $5.95

Maldene bundle deal (Volume One + Volume Two + full color worldmap): $7.90

To take advantage of this new deal, go to


About The Book: Maldene is a world of magic and science, wizards and dragons; but home also to an incredible secret. One jealously guarded by History’s most villainous being: Miro. For centuries his presence has been plaguing the nightmares of gods and men; the world is in his thrall, there is no one willing to face him.


Or perhaps there is. The young wizard Sabu, and his elven friend Eldar, lead their companions on a journey to seek a destiny foretold them by a blind gold-skinned gypsy. Fighting a three-hundred foot dragon will be but the beginning of this quest, as they journey the globe in search of answers to the mystery of Miro’s villainy, and uncover the world’s long-buried secrets. For they are destined to lead a new battle against this most ancient of evils, to gather all beneath the banner of a mysterious King and face the unfaceable.


There is just one problem: Miro is counting on their success.


To Order: To find out more about the world of “Maldene”, including a free sample to read online, just go to Mark Anthony Tierno’s web site at To order any of his books, you can either find them on Amazon or via his ordering page at


About the Author: Mark Anthony Tierno holds a Master’s Degree in Physics, which often plays well in his creation of other worlds, and is the author of both the Maldene series and his Inspector Flaatphut series, as well as others yet to be seen, and also ghostwriting for a variety of clients. He is currently working on a few other projects, this time with a couple of writing partners, as well as making his infamous pomegranate jelly.


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A world beyond time... an adventure beyond imagining Order Maldene
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