Countdown to Maldene II release continues

On May 15 it’s finally happening.  The second full novel is being released on ebook.  And by “full” I mean if you combine volumes 1 and 2 of the first novel together, well Maldene II is just a little bigger.  I’m tired pf piecemeal book releasing so this time it’s the whole thing.  The first sequel (of many) to Maldene.  Preorders are being taken on Amazon now (which gives you a few weeks to read the first book).

Okay, so you want to know more about this next book.   You may ask, if the first novel was equivalent to the entire LOTR series in scope, then where to from here?  Well, the title “Maldene II:  Mysteries of Olde” gives you a bit of an idea.  There is a secret about the world, one that Miro has spent the last few thousand rels hiding.  A secret that could take everything the characters thought they knew of the world and flip it on its head… A secret that just might give them a chance at learning Miro’s game in time to do something about it.

Meanwhile elsewhere in the story, things are stirring.  A great war is coming, one predicted from the content of Sindar’s vision and what the King has discovered through his scouts.  Now he has to send his own children to spy into the far land of My-Thov to see for themselves what diabolical activities the forces of Miro are up to.  Activities that could threaten the population of an entire continent and gain for Miro the biggest army in known History.

That’s just a little taste, of course.  There are other questions from the first novel that continue here.  Like, for instance, the Dragon Lord, or the Hevon Gems and their part in things.  We also get to see more aspects of Maldene’s cultures, its peoples… and its favorite crazy wizard, Po-Adar.  So get to Amazon now and enter your pre-order, because May 15 is not all that far away.  Alternately, you can also get it on Smashwords, so you’re running out of excuses.

I have also reinstated my bundle offer– Volumes One and Two plus the big full-color map– so now is the perfect time to get caught up on Maldene before the release of Maldene II… before Miro reaches his ultimate goal.

“A world beyond time… an adventure beyond imagining.”

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