Well, just thought I’d give this YouTube thing a bit more of a try, so I’ve started with a little quick one listing a couple more factoids about the books. Just enough to wet your appetite. That said, you’ll find the vid imbedded below and linked to on the Video Page…
Tag: plot
Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/plot-talk/2780
Writing Tips: The Four Elements
Sometimes writing a good story can be a little bit like alchemy. You need the right mix of things to churn out a truly great story. But what are those basic ingredients? Well, like for the alchemists of old there are four basic elements that every story needs. Descriptive Prose. Dialogue. Character Development. Plot. Descriptive …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/writing-tips/1926
What Makes a Good Writer
A question that has been asked since about the time people first began to write. What is it that makes a good writer? A good author? What is that magic formula that sets great authors apart from everybody else. It may not be as complicated an equation as you think. There are three basic elements …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/writing-tips/1917
Places Of Maldene: Thïr Glomdäitaÿor
Okay, so first you ask what’s with the funky name. The funky name in question is the city-castle of the King. Not just any king, but thee King (notice I spelled it with a Capital “K”), the one guy trying to engineer his own counter-plot to that of Miro by recruiting few heros. Needless to …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/plot-talk/1910
Characters of Maldene: Shong
Young, reserved, and with the most innate skill with the sword of anyone around, Shong is also friend and fighting buddy to Bronto. Between Bronto’s massive strength and Shong’s hyper precision with the blade, there is nothing this duo can’t stand up against. More than just a normal swordsman, Shong is also part acrobat. He’s …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/plot-talk/1906
Maldene Behind The Scenes: The Harbor Of The World
One of the more significant places on Maldene is the famed Harbor Of The World, so named because nearly every culture on the planet can meet one another at the Harbor, even if they’ve never heard of one another anywhere else before. A tropical port that I liken to being about the size of the …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/plot-talk/1857
Maldene Behind The Scenes: Why So Many Characters?
Just the first Maldene novel has somewhere around 8 main characters and a dozen or so more secondary ones, and later novels only add to that number. In fact, by the time all 13 novels are finished, the number has topped some 250 characters. So, why so many characters? When you have such a vast …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/plot-talk/1849
Maldene Behind The Scenes How Deep Do I Plot? And Why?
One might ask, that with a 13-book series, how deep do I plot things? Well, I can tell you that by the time you’ve reached Chapter One of the first book you’ve already missed clues to major plot elements for the next two books. In Maldene IV I have a segment that only has its …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/plot-talk/1846
Maldene Behind The Scenes: The Strip Desert
On the world of Maldene, on the continent of Degaloth, there is a piece of terrain called The Strip Desert. So named because of its shape. A desert thousands of miles long that divides the fields and farmlands to the north from the jungles to the south, it keeps its fifteen-hundred mile width pretty uniform …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/plot-talk/1836
Maldene Behind The Scenes: How Epic IS this Thing?
Okay, so you’ve heard me talking about Maldene, hints about the story, characters, and places, and how epic it is, but what exactly am I talking about. What I say that this story redefines “epic”, just how true is my statement? Well, I’m here to give just a few hints; just enough to whet the …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.maldene.com/plot-talk/1792