There are a lot of Grand Epics in books, movies, and comics, the trick is to design them in such a way as to make them real to the reader. Believable enough within its own context to get the reader or viewer emotionally involved. Comic books have plenty of epic spectacle, but some of their …
Tag: science fiction
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Maldene Blue Ink Review
Well, looks like I got a bonafide professional review. Blue Ink Reviews is a big-time review site of us independent author types and is pretty well thought of in the industry. Well, I just got a review from them for both Volumes One and Two of Maldene. Links below, just hit them up then after …
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Reviewing Passengers
Deep space passengr liner/colony ship is going along and someone wakes up a few decades too early: looked lik a good setup in th commercials, right? right? Okay, first, what’s okay: Wll, it has emotional content and lots of neato looking sciency tech stuff. Now for what’s wrong: Pretty much all the rest, but I’ll …
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New Xmas Price Specials for Maldene
Well, it’s finally the Christmas Season (I don’t start counting until Dec 1), and time to start handing out presents. So, here’s mine. After giving it some long and careful thought, I have reduced the prices of the ebook versions of Maldene Volumes 1 and 2 down to $4.95 each. Quite a deal now, but …
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What Makes Maldene Different
This is a question I have been asked on occasion, and certainly one you want an answer for if you’re to market a novel, but it is to me the single hardest question to answer. Why, you ask? Because there is no single thing that makes Maldene different. It is a revolution in fantasy, a …
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Major Price Reduction For Fantasy Epic, Maldene!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: (9/8/2016) Description: Southern California native Mark Anthony Tierno has crafted a truly epic fantasy novel that will take you to the ends of a world of magic, alien vistas, and ultimate evil. Now the price of both volumes of this first novel in the series have been signficantly reduced. Monrovia, CA, [Sept …
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New Inspector Flaatphut Story Goes Live!
Okay, so the cover looks good enough; it’s the story that counts. And I’ve just submitted it to Amazon to go live. It should be available in about 12 to 24 hours, at which point i’ll put up a link and add it to the Ordering page. Until then, here’s the title and plot synopsis …
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Maldene Volume II now available in ebook
Well, I may not have enough cash to print up any print editions yet, but the ebook version of Maldene Volume II is now up on Amazon. So, until I can get the print version going, you can slip right over and get a little sopmethign for your Kindle here. See how this first chapter …
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Interview From The Stars- Shong
Interview From The Stars Reba Haws interviews ShongToday has as its guest that highly skilled swordsman, Shong. As able with the blade as any, able to face up against dragon and all manner of terrible beasts. All save, perhaps, but one… Reba Haws (RH): Welcome to our show, Mister Shong. I hear that you …
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Writing Tips: Emotion In Your Writing
Ever read a book that just got to you so much you found yourself crying or laughing, or cheering? Of course. Now, as a writer have you ever felt an emotion as you were typing up the scene? What did you do, use it or waste it? A lot of writers might decide to take …
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